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Monday, January 31, 2011 @ 1:37 AM
♥ Details of Reviewing!
Stores without Graphics/Poster
Title – __/5
Foreword – __/10
Originality – __/10
Flow – __/15
Plot/Characterization – __/20
Writing style – __/20
Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Vocabulary – __/10
Overall enjoyment – __/5

TOTAL - __/95

Stories with Graphics/Poster
Title –
Graphics/Poster – __/5
Foreword – __/10
Originality – __/10
Flow – __/15
Plot/Characterization – __/20
Writing – __/20
Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Vocabulary – __/10
Overall enjoyment – __/5

TOTAL - __/100

So how do I exactly review each section?
Personally, I don’t judge on grammatical/spelling/vocabulary harshly because my standards aren’t that great either. For me, I think that the flow, plot and writing style are the most important factors to grip a reader’s interest! I review the story as a general reader whose seeking for a pleasant story and not as a critic. So please do not expect me to list out everything to the nitty gritty. But hopefully, my review would be good enough to please you!

How wordy will the reviews be?
I believed in quality and not quantity when reviewing. I’m sure that not many would want to read thousand-words report of a review as well, right?
So I do cap a word limit onto reviews I wrote.

For one-shot reviews – 600-800 words long
For a story-serial – 800-1000 words long
*Note that these are only approximations and may differ.

How long do I take to complete for my review?
I thought reviewing would be quite simple, but once you really get down to do the work, it isn't as simple it seems! I need time to read through, make some pointers and decide the things I wish to highlight about the story. And I do have a life outside of reviewing, which includes doing homework, going to school, getting a life! So please don't expect me to complete the work in a a.s.a.p manner!

For one-shot- Within a week's time
For a story-serial - Within three wee's to one month's time (depending on the number of chapters)
*Note that these are only approximations and may differ.

Are there any terms and conditions for requesting a review?
Well, I don't ask for much! I just hope that you will provide the link to review I wrote at the start of your story/foreword and do remember to credit the work! :D

Details of reviewing

- Is it attention grabbing?
- Does the title attract me?
- How relevant is it to the story?
- Is the title understandable?

- Does the mood of the poster suits the story?
- Does the characters portrayed related to their personalities and appearances?
- Is the poster attractive-looking?
- From looking at the poster, is it easy to interpret the gist of the story?

- Is it clear and easy to understand?
- Does it grip me to want to read on?
- Is it relevant to the story?
- How interesting and exciting is the foreword?

- Is the topic/theme refreshing?
- Does the content have surprising twists and turns of event?
- Does the story pique my curiosity because it is hard to predict the ongoing plot?

- Does the pace suit the story’s content?
- Does the flow of the story affect its content?
- How exciting or interesting the content is, given the flow?

- How interesting is the story?
- Are there distinctive highs-lows to make the story interesting?
- Is the plot easy to understand even if the plot might be complex?
- Is the plot meaningful and sensible?

Writing style
- Does the writing style make sense?
- Does the style of writing makes me want to read it on/read it again?
- Is the writing style easy to understand?
- How well did the author use language to make the story descriptive, exciting, interesting etc?

- Are there any major spelling mistakes or grammatical errors?
- How consistent is the usage of past/present tense
- Are the usage of punctuations and commas prompt and sufficient?
- Are the choices of words used, creative and interesting?
- Does the story use a wide range of vocabulary?

Overall enjoyment
- How likeable is content and the characters in the story?
- How believable is the plot (despite some out-of-the-world content if there are any?)
- Will I find myself wanting to read it again?
- This portion is also a general summary of my thoughts and feelings while reading the story. However, do take note it’s just my personal opinions and it do not represent the opinions of every readers out there. I do apologize if some section of the review may seem harsh or offending to you, but rest assured I’m not out there to spite you. Again, it is just based on my rookie single opinion and is not representative.

That's all folks!
Hope you will enjoy the reviews I wrote!
Cheers! :)

About me♥!

A young girl living in a dream...
Loves reading, especially SHINee fanfictions!

Page Links

Link me♥!

Switch on the Music~


Sites I work with

-abn♥rmalme, Icons, Basecode
Please do not remove the credits :>!
