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Tuesday, April 26, 2011 @ 7:01 AM
♥ REVIEW - I'll stay BEHIND the camera, Thanks.
Title – I’ll stay BEHIND the Camera, Thanks. (26 Chapters - Completed)
Author – carlyxoxorenee
Reviewer – sadnitez
Story Link – http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1629/i-ll-stay-behind-the-camera-thanks-comedy-korean-mblaq-original-rainbi-romance

Title – 4/5
An interesting title! I like how it’s clear and relevant to the main female character (since she’s a photographer).

Graphics/Poster – 4/5
A very neat, simple yet attractive looking poster! Using the picture of a female photographer has fit very well in portraying the female lead’s image to me. By not revealing her clearly, it also allows me to imagine her features to my own preferences. It’s definitely a clever use of a picture!

Foreword – 7/10
I liked how the foreword started with a matter-of-fact tone to describe the female character. It makes everything seems more real to me. Nothing much is revealed in the foreword and this is fine for me since I prefer to have some suspense about the story before reading the actual thing.

Originality – 8.5/10
A romance between an idol and his photographer? That definitely did raise some interest from me! I always feel that photographers and idols share some sort of intimate relationships that are just waiting to be written.... (Or is it just me?) And you finally did it!

But that being said, minus their roles, it’s just another fan-fiction type of romance, boy meets girl, they fall in love etc. Yet you managed to keep me intrigued with bits of Cora’s mysterious past planted here and there in the story. It kept up a certain level of suspense in the story with this unexplained plot. Good job on that! ^^

Flow – 11/15
I enjoyed the fairly quick pace of the plot for the first few chapters. But everything seems to rush in somewhere after Chapter 6. To tell you the truth, I didn’t realize how rapid the pace was till the end of the story. It was only until I started recalling the plot do I realize – Holy crap, the events were only a week’s long?!

So personally speaking, I found the pace of the romance between Rain and Cora to be more of a “vacation-romance-fling” type. And again, this is just my personal opinion and is not reflective of the general readers’. ^^b

Plot/Characterization – 13.5/20
Here’s the part which I will probably be (or attempt to be) most critical about. At first glance, I found no major problems with the plot. The general plot is simple enough – Cora and Rain falls in love. It’s more about the sub-plots that I seem to have problems with. You created short scenes where Cora met guys (out of the blue) and interacted with them briefly, before making these guys disappeared as if they had never existed in the first place. While these scenes do add to the content, I don’t quite get the purpose of creating these extra characters in the first place. To me, the guys seem like those “Hi, Bye” type of characters that have probably added nothing substantial to the plot other than filling Rain, with jealousy that only lasted for three-four sentences.

The same case seems to go for Tessa. You have created a substantial sub plot revolving around Tessa. There was even a chapter explaining Cora’s search for her. But you ended the story without filling this sub plot properly. It was simply left hanging there, leaving me to wonder about Tessa and a bit bothered by the fact that the whole Tessa-thing seems like a wild-goose-chase. But I do know you are currently addressing this issue in your sequel now ^^

Lastly, onto the characters! I have to admit that Cora appears as a likeable, sensible type of character to me at first glance. I changed my opinion after her drastic tantrum at Chapter 9. It was such a 180 degree change of character that I was wondering if it’s still the same Cora I was reading. What’s more incredible was that Rain acted perfectly like a Prince Charming despite her tantrums/actions. This suddenly makes me feel like he’s Edward Cullen (from Twilight) with his boundless patience. No prize for guessing who resembles Bella to me! *Chuckles*

(I do know you have tried to address this issue but Cora still seem out-of-character at some points. But this is just my two-cents worth of thought >.<)

Writing style – 17.5/20
Great writing style! Everything became so readable because of it. You conveyed the plot well with simple and easy sentences. In addition, your writing style has masked the flaws in your story plot. In fact, I have to say that one of the main reasons why this fan-fiction is so enjoyable is due to great English! Good job on that! ^^

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling/Vocabulary – 10/10
I want want want want to say Perfect English! I really can’t bring myself to nit-pit at the minor errors (because they are too minor). In fact, I gave up trying to find errors. So I’m going to say that your English scores a Perfect 10!!!

Overall enjoyment – 3.5/5
It seems like a long story with its 26 chapters. But your perfect English has make reading such a breeze. I actually finished reading the entire fan-fiction at one go! That’s truly a feat since I do tend to take breaks once in a while. Despite some plot holes here and there, I still enjoy this sweet and simple romance between Rain and Cora. Cheers! ^^

(Lastly I do want to apologize for this late review. I have been swamped with work. It seems like a pathetic excuse but I do hope you understand! Thanks again for the review request!)

TOTAL – 79/100

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A young girl living in a dream...
Loves reading, especially SHINee fanfictions!

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